If you can’t use Noteworthy – perhaps you have a Mac or your Windows PC won’t let you install it. Then this page may help – In the table below the columns
Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Baritone, Bass and 4 Part are links to Midi files -which can be used with lots of different programs to listen to and view the songs. One advantage is that you can used them on a phone (iPhone or Android) or a tablet.
Click here for a PDF file to show you how to use these on iPhone/iPad
Or here for a video file to show you how to use these on iPhone/iPad
These “Midi” files are a way of viewing and hearing the music on your phone- you will need the app “Midi Sheet Music” which is on the Apple and Android app stores.
You will need to download each file and save it on your phone so you can access it using the app. If you need any help ask Chris Carr (T2)